Ghost story, Dark tales and anything to do with underworld

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The legmonger

One afternoon, a boy walking home from school was approached by an old woman.
"Do you want a leg? Do you want a leeeg?"
The boy tried to ignore her but she wouldn't go away.
"Do want a leeg? Do you want a leeeg?"
She asked him, over and over again.
"I don't want a leg!" The boy rebuffed her harshly.

A horrible scream rang out in the darkening street.

People who rushed to the scene got the shock of their lives.
On the street lay a boy who got his leg torn off.

There is no escape from the Legmonger.
If you say no to the monster, you will lose your leg like the boy above; but say yes to her and she will put the third leg on you, whether you like it or not.

There is only one answer that would get you safely out of the situation:
Tell her, "I don't want your service, but I suggest you go and ask___(someone's name)"
She would do as you say and go to the other person, but make sure you say the name of someone you don't like....

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